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California Employment Law Blog

Understanding Meal and Rest Breaks: Arce v. Southland Care Center

Posted by Timothy B. Del Castillo | Oct 24, 2023 | 0 Comments

In the case of Arce v. Southland Care Center, Cecilia Arce, a former certified nursing assistant, took her former employer to court, invoking the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) and alleging labor law violations. This case highlights key aspects of employee rights related to meal and rest breaks, with significant implications for California employers.

In California, the Labor Code stipulates that employees are entitled to a 10-minute paid rest break for every four hours of work and a 30-minute unpaid meal break for every five hours of work. Employers are responsible for ensuring that employees are relieved of work tasks during these breaks, maintain control over their own time, and have an uninterrupted rest. If employees are coerced into skipping these breaks, employers are required to pay them additional wage premiums.

Cecilia Arce worked at nursing home called Southland Care Center in Los Angeles, often working during the demanding night shift with a substantial patient workload. Her primary concern was that understaffing was preventing her from taking her mandatory rest and meal breaks. 

Following her employment termination in November 2018, Arce filed PAGA notices with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, outlining her missed breaks and wage-related issues. Subsequently, she initiated a class action lawsuit, intending to represent other employees under the PAGA framework.

At trial, the defendants, Southland Management LLC and The Ensign Group Inc., challenged Arce's claims by filing a motion for summary judgment. They argued that Arce could not substantiate her meal and rest break violations during her employment, and the trial court agreed. 

On appeal, the Court emphasized the burden was actually on the defendants to prove that Arce had not experienced Labor Code violations. Upon review, the Court of Appeal found that the defendants did not provide enough evidence refuting Arce's claims in their motion for summary judgment.

In their motion, the defendants had argued that Arce was aware of break policies and had never been explicitly instructed to forego breaks. In contrast, Arce argued that staffing and workloads made taking breaks nearly impossible.

In fact, evidence from the defendants' own submissions inadvertently supported Arce's allegations. Arce had consistently communicated her concerns to her supervisors regarding the heavy workload caused by staff shortages, which hindered her ability to take breaks and compromised patient care. However, her complaints remained unaddressed, with no guidance provided on how to manage breaks without compromising patient care.

The defendants' motion also suggested that Arce could modify her recorded time, yet company records revealed that she was not obligated to track rest periods. Furthermore, the defendants failed to establish that she had received the mandated meal and rest break premium payments, even if adjustments had been made.

In the end, the Court of Appeal concluded that the defendants had failed to meet their burden of proving that Arce had not experienced Labor Code violations or that premiums were duly paid. Their inability to counter Arce's claims regarding staffing and workload issues that hindered her from taking breaks resulted in the denial of summary judgment in favor of Arce.

This case underscores the importance of California employers complying with labor laws, especially concerning mandated breaks. Forcing employees to forgo these breaks can lead to significant legal consequences under PAGA. Both employers and employees should be well-informed about labor laws, as a solid understanding of their rights and responsibilities is essential for maintaining a lawful and safe working environment.

About the Author

Timothy B. Del Castillo

Tim Del Castillo is Founding Partner of Castle Law: California Employment Counsel, PC.


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